I have a few people in my life I'm very close with who are (or where at one point) single moms. Some have been doing it on their own since the child was born and others are divorced or separated and the dad isn't very "hands on." Either way its the hardest job in the world and for the most part pretty thankless. Its not often if at anytime you ll hear a child say hey mom thanks for doing my laundry, cleaning up my puke, cooking dinner, playing chauffeur, paying bills so I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and hot water to bathe; yet you all do it day after day because that's your job...you are a mom. At some point and time Ive probably had your kids for the afternoon, a day, over night or a couple of nights and I can tell you its hard! Don't get me wrong...Ive always wanted to be a mom, have a family, 2 dogs, a home, a husband and all of those things we dream about as a child but I'm sure the vision we all had was one where we had a partner. More hands on deck then just our own.
I spend time with you and your child and watch as you handle each task that needs to be done. One after another; its never ending. You are go, go, go from the moment you get up till the child's in bed asleep. Even then most of you are still involved in some kind of laundry folding, lunch packing, toy picking up activity and let me tell you just watching you at times exhausts me! Over and over again day after day it never ends and Ive noticed as the kids get older it only gets harder. Yeah babies are hard work but lets look at a baby VS a 3 year old. Babies sleep a lot for the most part. They cant walk, crawl or run so where ever you lay them that's where they stay. They cant talk back, argue, yell at you or pout. Cuddle them, feed them, rock them and love them and for the most part they will be happy. A 3 year old is so much different. You defiantly cant leave them in a room alone without having to yell to them every 2 minuets to make sure they aren't flushing some object down a toilet, drawing on your walls or tourmenting the dog. They have opinions and wants...and boy do they always want something. They whine, yell, pout, cry and most of the time its for no reason yet there you all are again doing the job of 2 people on your own. You don't have the luxury of saying to your partner that you need a break, that you want a nap, or entertain the kid becasue I have to cook. You're there running a multi person company basically by yourself.
To top it off you all have full time jobs as well. Being a mom is a full time job yet you don't get a paycheck and somehow the bills need to get paid. We are adults...mommy and daddy aren't footing the bills. You find time to fit in laundry, cooking, cleaning, car pool, errands, shopping and somewhere somehow you all squeeze quality one on one time with your child into the mix.
You are my super women...my hero's. You are all amazing women and phenomenal mothers. You take on the roles of mom, dad, nurse, maid, chef, not to mention the million other hats you wear. I see you doing a job that was intended for 2 people and yet you all do it as well if not better then some 2 parent house holds Ive been in. I look at your children. They are amazing, bright, funny, polite and sweet. Children do not come that way. They are taught those traits through good parenting and through the group of positive people you have let into their lives.
I have never once seen you put yourself before your kids. Tired, sick, stressed or annoyed you still show up day in and day out to make sure the one person you love most..your child feels happy, safe and most of all loved and wanted. I know some days are a lot harder and the challenges greater but know I believe in all of you. Ive watched you grow as women and mothers. Ive seen you learn each day and apply those skills to being the best you you can be. I love you and each of your children with all my heart and I know my life has been enriched to have you as a part of it.